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Amazing facts...

  • An adult human being is made up of around 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms.
  • There are 100,000 miles of blood vessels in an adult human body.
  • You are taller in the morning than in the evening.

    When you crawl out of the sack in the morning you are at your tallest. On average, you are approximately one half inch taller when you wake in the morning, thanks to excess fluid between within your spinal discs. While you are sleeping, these fluids replenish. During the day your body has to deal with the stress of standing, so the discs become compressed and the fluid seeps out. This results in you losing a small amount of extra height.
  • Your body produces enough heat in only thirty minutes to boil a half-gallon of water.

    Your body is the epitome of a study on thelaws of thermodynamics. You produce heat from all that is going on - exercise, metabolizing food, maintaining homeostasis – and as you sweat, exhale, excrete, and urinate (lovely thoughts, all of them)
  • There are more than 600 individual skeletal muscles and 206 bones in your body.

    If all 600+ muscles contracted and pulled in the same direction, you could lift over twenty tons of resistance. Additionally, the adult skeleton is composed of 206 bones, but at birth an infant skeleton contains approximately 350 bones. Over time, some of the 350 bones fuse together and eventually grow to the 206 adult figure.
  • You need to consume a quart of water each day for four months to equate to the amount of blood your heart pumps in one hour.  Additionally, over a lifetime, at your normal (resting) heart rate you will have pumped enough blood to fill thirteen oil super tankers. To further expound on this fact, on average, your heart beats 40,000,000 times per year. Doing the math, over your lifetime (both men and women averaged), that results in 2,600,000,000 heartbeats (two billion, six hundred million). This does not even factor in your increased heartbeats due to your love of exercise.


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